Friday, September 23, 2011

More Paris

Beautiful architecture.....

An aqueduct in the suburb of Arcueil. Quelle surprise!

Built so that Marie de Medicis could power her fountains.

And the glass and ironwork beauty of the Auteuil Greenhouse in western Paris.

The bounty of neighborhood markets in every neighborhood, 2 - 7 days a week, all year round. Unbelievably fresh, beautiful food.

Seafood so fresh it smelled like the ocean.

North African pastries with nuts and honey.

Cheeses from all regions of France.

A collection of coffee bowls.  Vendor not so pleased with my effrontery in photographing her wares.

And finally, for those sudden hunger pangs in the subway, the vending machine with Bueno Bars. This photo is for all those student travelers who only survived my death marches through Paris because of these.

À bientôt!


  1. I like Kinder Bueno! (though I should never, never eat one)

  2. Your photos are cool. Jim is getting a slight yen to visit Paris (with me egging him on).

  3. Making sure comments work. Appears to me they work fine. Don't see the problem....

  4. Explore the travel destination with kated for your next dream trip.
